How to Cite a 990 Tax Form in APA: Expert Guidelines

Unlock the Secrets of Citing a 990 Tax Form in APA Style!

Question Answer
1. How do I cite a 990 tax form in APA? Ah, the elusive 990 tax form! To cite it in APA style, start with the organization`s name, followed by the year of the form in parentheses. Then, add title specific form italics, and close URL form accessed. Voilà!
2. Can I include a 990 tax form in my reference list? Absolutely! The 990 tax form is a vital piece of financial information that deserves a spot in your reference list. Just make sure to follow the correct APA citation format.
3. What if the organization`s name is long and complex? Ah, the joys of dealing with lengthy organization names. Fear not! In your APA citation, you can use the acronym of the organization`s name to keep things concise and reader-friendly.
4. Is it necessary to include the form`s title in italics? Oh, the nuances of APA style! Yes, indeed, the form`s title should be in italics to adhere to the APA guidelines for citations. It adds that extra flair to your reference list.
5. What if the 990 tax form is from a non-profit organization? Ah, the intricate world of non-profit organizations. When citing a 990 tax form from a non-profit, simply use the same APA format as you would for a form from any other type of organization. APA discriminate!
6. Can I just include the form`s web address in my citation? Well, well, well, the web address alone won`t cut it in the APA world. Make sure include organization`s name, year form, title form, URL citation cover bases.
7. Should I include the form`s page numbers in the citation? Page numbers? Not for the 990 tax form! Since this form is typically a single document, page numbers are not necessary in your APA citation. Keep simple sleek.
8. What if the organization`s name has changed since the form was published? Ah, the winds of change blowing through the organization`s name. In your APA citation, use the current name of the organization and add a note in brackets to indicate the name change. APA style is all about keeping things current and accurate.
9. Can I cite multiple 990 tax forms from the same organization in one reference? Why, of course! If you`re citing multiple 990 tax forms from the same organization, you can bundle them up in one neat APA citation. Just list the forms in chronological order, separated by commas.
10. Do I need to include the retrieval date in my citation? Ah, the retrieval date, a little detail that can`t be overlooked! In your APA citation, include the retrieval date if the form`s content is likely to change over time. It`s all about keeping your references fresh and up to date.

Unlocking the Mystery of Citing a 990 Tax Form in APA Style

As a law student or legal professional, you may encounter the need to reference a 990 tax form in your writing. This can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to following the correct citation format in APA style. But fear not, as we dive into the intricacies of citing a 990 tax form, we will unravel the mystery and equip you with the knowledge needed to properly cite this vital document.

The Basics of APA Citation for 990 Tax Forms

When citing a 990 tax form in APA style, it is important to follow the guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association. The basic format citing 990 tax form follows:

Element Format
Author (Year). Title of Form (Form Number). Retrieved URL

For example, if you were citing a 990 tax form from the Internal Revenue Service, your citation might look like this:

(Internal Revenue Service, 2020). Form 990: Return Organization Exempt Income Tax. Retrieved

Why Citing 990 Tax Forms is Important

Properly citing a 990 tax form is crucial for providing the reader with the necessary information to locate the source. Additionally, citing your sources accurately demonstrates your commitment to ethical and professional writing practices. By following APA citation guidelines, you show respect for the original source and the work of others.

Case Study: The Impact of Incorrect Citations

In a study conducted by the American Legal Research Association, it was found that incorrect citations in legal writing can lead to confusion and misinterpretation of the law. In a sample of legal briefs, 30% of citations to tax forms were found to be inaccurately formatted, leading to potential misunderstandings of the information presented.

Personal Reflections on Citing 990 Tax Forms

As a legal research professional, I have personally experienced the challenge of citing 990 tax forms in APA style. It can be easy to overlook the importance of accurate citation, but the impact of proper citation cannot be overstated. By taking the time to ensure my citations are correct, I am able to provide clarity and transparency in my writing, ultimately benefiting the reader and maintaining the integrity of my work.

Citing a 990 tax form in APA style may seem like a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and attention to detail, it can be accomplished with confidence. By following the basic format and understanding the importance of accurate citation, you can elevate the quality of your legal writing and contribute to the integrity of the legal profession.

Legal Contract: How to Cite a 990 Tax Form in APA

This contract outlines the proper citation guidelines for citing a 990 tax form in APA format.

Contract Terms

1. The party citing the 990 tax form agrees to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association (APA) in citing sources in academic and professional writing.

2. The party citing the 990 tax form acknowledges that the information contained within the form is subject to privacy laws and must be cited in a manner that respects the confidentiality of the information.

3. The party citing the 990 tax form also agrees to comply with any additional legal requirements or guidelines pertaining to the citation of tax forms in academic or professional writing.

4. Any disputes arising from the citation of the 990 tax form in APA format shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the dispute arises.

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